June 14, 2012


Jesus, Andres, and Alex sitting on top of the new wall at the site... yes, there's a wall!

    Today I worked with the school age kids on English names for inspects and numbers. We played bingo with the pictures to numbers, and since there are more than 40 children in the morning, this is done in the afternoon. I taught 2 of the older girls how to knit. This was satisfactory.


    The other group was back at the site, with continued construction on the septic tank. Even though the hole caved in a few more time, we managed to get a few rebar cages in the bottom, and began mixing and placing concrete. It’s amazing to see how much the site has changed, even from two weeks ago. All in all, things here in Veracruz are well. We had a nice gathering tonight with the teenagers from the center, where we enjoyed frisbee, dancing, and food from Good Friends Burgers. We all enjoyed ourselves. After another week of hard work at the site, we are all looking forward to the Friday free day tomorrow. A day of relaxation is exactly what we need after two days in the septic tank hole!
