Taylor Pierce
June 2010 Veracruz Reflection

Nothing could have prepared me for this experience. I was in shock for the first couple of days, just taking in the living conditions. I had heard about slums but never seen one firsthand. The smells, the people, the dogs… It was almost like another planet.

street  house

When I got to know Goldi and the kids at the community center, I was impressed by their resilience. They were bubbling with happiness, especially about the little things, and eager to learn English. It was hard for me to imagine myself being happy in their situation. Interacting with them made me better appreciate life for what it is.

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During the construction, I felt like I was making a difference. The amount of sweat was unbelievable! It’s reassuring that a group of people who hardly know each another can work together and accomplish something under challenging conditions.

construct work
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The trip made me more confident in my faith. The way the Waits can herd people to do God’s will is pretty crazy. I’m working on my family to return with me. Once they see what’s going on, they’ll help every year.

Taylor Pierce
